
AdminTools uses Admin Tools Script for its scripting. *Added in version 6.0.0`

Call them with @fileNameWithoutTheExtention

Example : File named wa.atsf , you call it with just @wa [args]

Situated in the /Assets/scripts/ folder

File ends with .atsf and can not contain any dots or mc formatting codes.

Example of valid names : - serverShutdown.atsf - script1.atsf - goodScript.atsf

Examples of invalid names:

  • §cinvalid§9name§f.atsf

It is recomended by the atsf file convention to name your scripts with big letters to seperate words.

ATSF file convention

The convention specifying naming and contents of atsf files


File ends with .atsf and can not contain any dots , mc formatting codes or spaces

.atsf stands for Admin Tools Script File.

Example of valid names : - serverShutdown.atsf - script1.atsf - goodScript.atsf

Examples of invalid names:

  • §cinvalid§9name§f.atsf

Words are separated by big letters (cammel case).

Example : validName.atsf

Function and commands

Commands are seperated by newline characters.

Comments start with #

# This is a comment
#This is too a comment, but looks less nice

You cant call a script (function) from another function.


Arguments get parsed from the arguments you give in the call to the script.

So @example [arg0] [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] and so on

In the file you can mention the arguments with a argN constant.

Example :

# Example of arguments
!print arg0 arg3

If a argument is not provided it will just stay in the argN form.


All the commands used in the console can be used here.

Although some commands were added for the sole purpuse of being used in scripts.


Logic commands are commands used for logic.

The usual if statement.

Syntax :

!if [logic] [command]

Examples :

!if arg0==Server_Shutdown kick @a Server maintenence

!if arg2!=add kick arg1

Logic :

Consists of two operators == (equal) and != (is not equal).

⚠⚠⚠ The check cant have spaces, arg1!=yeet me wont work!


Prints out what it has been given. Supports color.

Syntax :

!print [text]

Example ;

!print Batch job done

Since print supports color, you can print colored text to the console. Using bukkit highlight. Usefull tool for creating colored messages :

!print §aAdded §barg0 §ato the whitelist


# Kick all the players with a specified message

# Kick them with default message 
!if arg0==e kick @a Server maintenence

# Kick them with more elaborate message
!if arg0!=e kick @a arg0